Australia's government officials invest in covert interdepartmental promotion of crime disguised as lawful process - BROTHERS IN TERRORISM inside story on the FREEMASON history of sacrificial child rape and murder.
SAPOL NAZI in 21st century Australia

ABOVE: Note how similar South Australia's State 'bird' logo is the the Nazi Germany 'bird' logo. Government public officer mindset also just about the same too.

Assassination by stealth.
Because I witnessed and reported Freemason child sex crimes to 1982 Nowra NSW Freemason police.
How Australia's government public officers (top down) nullify their political victims of stolen visual identity for fake murder & illegal implants.
The lights are on but no-ones home. They're shameless psychopaths. Parasitic psychopathic terrorists. The Australian political parties advertise democracy but ensure their government public officers only deliver hypocrisy. That's the secret of Australia.
Rape is not competent enough to describe their actions. Every day that passes to see the Australian officials block my statutory rights to ownership of my own person and every day the political party supporters are silent on these issues refusing to stand by me only serves to prove that huge numbers of wall-to-wall scum inhabit and control this shell of a country that allows the government's public officers to act as terrorists - to refuse me my legal right to have access to MRI services to monitor the threat of infection from the illegal implant next to my brain – to refuse me my legal right to have illegal implants removed from my own person.
In 2018 after having extensive medical evidence of my 1990s criminal assaults I wrote to SAPOL - South Australia's State police SAPOL- asking for the investigation of the associated medical crimes.
See images (left) of my head with an illegal screw shaped implant drilled into my skull at my ear in 1990s – seen clearly in 2012 MRI and seen engulfed by infection in 2006 MRI. Both MRI radiology scans were 100% funded by Medicare Australia.
The State Government Premier's office responded by illegally and permanently cancelling my commercial class driver's licence.
I took the associated physician (Alison Barbara Jane COLE) to the State Supreme Court in Adelaide on valid - evidence based - claims of defamation and statutory infringing Australian Consumer Law. COLE was a British citizen on a work visa evidently she agreed to accept a bribe in exchange for forging a medical certificate to state that my "belief" I had implants was "delusional". Despite the Medicare evidence that she hadn't seen because she had only been consulted by me once before.
The judge (Katrina BOCHNER) was criminally blind to my evidence in her illegal terrorist-judge Star Chamber hearing she refused to see my Medicare Australia evidence claiming it didn't exist.
LINK to the court documents
In case you miss it, the Judge claims she didn't see this detail by inference in her professionally negligent failure to note it - I point out that the defendant's two page "police" document faxed directly to COLE by Nick (the Adelaide band 'Crazy Knites' bass player with his own ABN for direct government bribes) has NO signature and NO police officer or any person as the informant for the alleged "medical grounds" and no source for the alleged (by inference) SAPOL "expert" secret medical diagnosis of yours truly as "schizophrenic, delusional". Which automatically highlights the fact that "Nick Hadjisavva", an employee and government public officer under the SA Premier's department of Transport, is also a terrorist and SAPOL document forger. Approved by SAPOL and the State Premier. They did this during caretaker government in 2018 before the election of the outgoing Labor Party and incoming Liberal Party. Therefore they both agreed to this crime both have refused to reverse my licence cancellation.
Neither of respondent's lawyers actually argued that I had mental illness. They didn't even speak about the content of the anonymous forged SAPOL document. They merely silently presented this forged document and that was that.
That's be because there is no evidence that I've ever had any mental illness. The judge didn't even mention mental illness in her 'reasons'. I Took a case to the court and proved it on the documents. The political arm of State Government had already decided I was not to have a win despite the evidence that supported only my allegations. That's the REAL Australia. Governed by psychopathic cunts in the majority. I appealed to the chief judge through his staff. No response. I was a self-representing litigant. The respondents brought in an ex president of the local law society as their “special” counsel. Mr Ralph Bonig a man who brought discredit to the profession of lawyers by lying in court. He stood to claim verbally that physician “COLE's (signed and certified) medical certificate was not meant to be a professional diagnosis.” BONIG would have argued the moon was cheese and judge BOCHNER would have agreed if there was a bribe in it.
This was the last shit thing they did to me on account of the fact I got copy of their secret documents under Freedom of Information in last quarter of 2018 and published them on my websites ever since.
They refuse to let me challenge their lies in court as self-representing litigant because they know I'll win. I can't get any lawyer to represent me. Evidently that's because the Nazis secretly immigrated to Australia last century and were absorbed into government, generation after generation.
At end of 2018 having studied half of a bachelor of laws (honours) at the University of South Australia I secured a perfect score in my 'defamation law' assignment. Something a person inflicted with schizophrenic, delusions could not have done. The chief justice knew I was studying, he came for a talk in our small class refusing to look me in the eye. I was the only mature student. They have no conscious to be able to feel shame. They are shameless psychopaths.
I've not been "allowed" to appeal the illegal 2019 Supreme Court decision.
I've not been "allowed" to have the illegal 2018 license cancellation reversed.
I've not been "allowed" to have the illegal 1990s 'microwave active' vibrating implants removed despite that they pose constant threat of my death from un-monitored infection to my brain. Or should I say, because it threatens to kill me. Assassination by stealth.